Asbestos Reporting
News and information on developments in asbestos inspections and removalIs Your Balcony or Verandah Safe?
The collapse of some balconies and decks has resulted in serious injury and death. This has been due to excessive loads and lack of inspection and maintenance.
Mesothelioma in Australia
If you are a tradesman, renovator, home purchaser or interested party please read on. Australia has the second-highest mesothelioma death rate in the world, trailing only the UK. Mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure is leaving its mark on our nation...
Asbestos in the Home
A short video from the Australian Government about asbestos in the home. For more information on asbestos risks, take a look at our information page and the Australian Government's Asbestos Safety website. If you're concerned about a potential asbestos risk in your...
Asbestos Potential Health Risks
Asbestos. A word that will send shivers down the spine of any property owner, purchaser or building manager. The health risks associated with exposure to asbestos are severe and often the safe removal and disposal from a property is critical. It was just a few decades...